The organization

Dansk Varmblod has a Board with 8 members. 7 of these members are elected by each of their own region in Denmark, and the chairman is elected by representatives from all over the country.
The day-to-day work is carried out by the main office at Vilhelmsborg.

Several working committees maintain a number of important duties:

* Breeding- and selection committee; Technically responsible for foal shows, mare gradings, ability tests and stallion selections. Responsible for the Breeding Plan.

* The presidency holds the chairman and the deputy chairman.

* The auction committee

* The marketing committee, co-responsible for the Strategic Plan

* Technical committee are mainly focused on the stallions' performance tests

* The committee for education and information mainly contributes with new ideas for evening themes and arranging educational courses in the regions

* Young Breeders of Dansk Varmblod. Together with the regions, the committee plans and holds educational week-ends as well as qualifications for the international Young Breeder competitions

* The World Breeding Championships for Young Horses are dealt with by two committees; jumpers in Zangersheide and dressage horses for Ermelo/previously Verden. Each committee arranges qualifications as well as the accommodation and support of the participating horses for Verden and Zangersheide respectively

Presented by

Dansk Varmblod


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